Department of Computer Modelling and Design

Donetsk National Technical University

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Graduate and postgraduate

Training program of specialists.
Area of knowledge – 0501 “Informatic and computer engineering”.
Direction of training - 50101 “Computer science”.
Speciality 7. 0501 01 05 “Computer ecological and economic monitoring”.
Qualification – Specialist of computer ecological and economic monitoring.
Form of training – full-time.
Period of training – one year on the basis of educational and training program of a Bachelor of Computer Science.
Master’s training program
Area of knowledge – 0501 “Informatics and computer engineering”.
Direction of training - 50101 “Computer science”.
Speciality 8. 0501 01 05 “Computer ecological and economic monitoring”.
Qualification – Master of computer ecological and economic monitoring.
Form of training – full-time.
Period of training – 1.5 year on the basis of educational and training program of a Bachelor of Computer Science.
General description. Donetsk National Technical University has been training specialists and masters in speciality 05010105 “Computer ecological and economic monitoring” (EEM) since 2000.The main purpose of this speciality is the formation and training IT – specialists who are ready for creation, introduction and application of monitoring information technology in any sphere of science, education, industry or business.
Monitoring of objects and processes includes technical inspection and control systems, technologies of collection, processing, storing and analyzing information as well as means for supporting decision taking.
The sphere of professional activity of specialists and masters includes means of monitoring of objects and (technological, ecological and economic monitoring) processes, information and analytical prediction systems and technologies as well as their mathematical, information software, technical and organizational provision. The subject of professional activity are ways, means and methods of researching, development designing, introduction and exploiting systems of monitoring, information and software systems. High-skilled IT staff of this kind is in a great demand in the labour market today. The list of possible positions and professions in speciality 05010105 includes :
• Database administrator;
• Database and computer system analyst:
• Software analyst;
• Engineer automated production control systems;
• Computer systems engineer;
• Multimedia systems engineer;
• Web-developer;
• Programmer engineer;
• Researcher engineer;
• Applied programmer;
• Applied analyst;
• System programmer;
• System administrator;
• System analyst;
• IT system designer;
• IT project manager;
• Reseacher (Computing systems and programming);
• Academic teacher;
• The head of IT department.
Education.Today, in many areas there is a shortage of applied IT-specialists and specialists-analysts with fundamental and universal training in the best traditions of classical education .And our goal is to educate such specialists.
Our concept of education: fundamental training in computer science; advanced knowledge in the field of information technologies, ecology and economy; applied orientation in future employment areas; good knowledge of English; training of engineers of analytical and creative thinking. Our main task of the nearest future is to come to a modern world-class level of training of analysts and highly qualified developers of IT-systems in the field of informatics, technology, ecology and economics.
In education the Department of Computer System Monitoring holds the following principles:
• Hominus, dum docent, discunt: teaching – learning.
• To introduce the newest information technologies in studying process.
• To put high goals and achieve them.
• To think strategically and create the future.
• To engage by science; science illuminates life.
• 5- year student is the teacher’s colleague – so, be kind, and to reach for you.

Educational program of a specialist in speciality 7. 05 010105 “Computer ecological and economic monitoring” (2052 hours) includes the study only disciplines of professional and practical training (2052 hours). List of studied disciplines is given in the Curriculum of the group EЕМs-12.
Educational program of a master in speciality 8.05010105 “Computer ecological and economic monitoring” (3024 hours) includes the study of humanitarian and socio – economic disciplines (216 hours), natural-scientific (162 hours) and disciplines of professional and practical training (2646 hours).List of these disciplines is in the Curriculum of the group EEMm-12.
The training of students is based on the learning of modern information technologies and system’s software. Basic disciplines of professional training are the courses of databases and software development, system analysis , the projection of information systems.
Basic knowledge and skills of EEM student in the branch of computer science are modern languages and programming technologies (Assembler, C++, java, C#, Python, NET, PHP, XML, SOAP, AIAX, UML, Ruby on Rails, CUDA and etc.), technologies of data gathering and processing (cloud calculations Google and Amazon, technologies of aerospace monitoring), graphical multimedia means (Corel Draw, Photoshop, 3D Max), means of designing and supporting data basis (My SQL, Oracle, MongoDB, HBase), geo – informational systems (ArcGIS, Avenu, AutoCAD Map, API).
Ecological and economic monitoring (EEM) students specialize in the sphere of computer monitoring systems, in studying of analyzing and forecasting technologies of industrial social and economic processes.
Attention is paid to technologies of client – server interaction, information security systems, creation of modular and block systems of collection, processing and transmission of information on the basis of controllers and modems (GSM-applications, MultiSIM, LabVIEW, CoDE Sys), developing of WEB-orientated system of presenting information (HTML, CSS, PHP, jQuery) and mobile applications (Android SDK) etc. The courses of integration of different IT-technologies and creation of modern IT-systems are taught.

Further education. The Department of Computer monitoring systems has programs for training of post graduate students in specialties:
05.13.06 “Information technologies”.
05.13.05 “Computer systems and components”.
01.05.02 “Mathematical modeling and computing methods”.
21.06.01 “Ecological safety”.
Graduate and postgraduate
Entrance exams are based on the programs for the specialist and masters. Applicants take exams in speciality and foreign language.