Department of Computer Modelling and Design

Donetsk National Technical University

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Bachelor’s training course
Sphere of knowledge – 0501 “Information science and computers”.
Direction of training – 6.050101 “Computer Science”
Qualification - Bachelor in computer science
Form of training – Full time
Period of training – 4 years long
General characteristic.
Donetsk National Technical University in one of first high school in the Eastern Ukraine which started training students in speciality 6.050101 “Computer Science”. This direction of training includes a wide range of problems, connected with development and creation of methods and technologies of storing processing and application of information in different spheres of activity. The main task of training and preparation in computer sciences is the formation of IT-professionals, who are ready for creation, introduction and use of information technologies in any spheres of science, education, industry and business. The sphere of bachelor’s professional activity includes information spheres and technologies and also their mathematic, informational, technological and organizational supply. The activity subject covers means and methods of design, adjustment and exploitation of informational systems and software tools.
At present professional IT-staff is the most demanded in labor market. The list of possible posts and professions in the sphere of computer science includes:
• Data-base administrator;
• Engineer of the automated control systems;
• Engineer of computer systems;
• Engineer of multimedia systems
• Engineer-programmer;
• Engineer in computer application ;
• Applied programmer;
• System programmer;
• System administrator;
• Web-developer.

Education. Training of Computer Science bachelors at the department “ Computer System of Monitoring” has two specialization:
• Computer ecology-economical monitoring (CEM).
• Programming of media systems and computer design (PCD).

The main education program for bachelors (8617 hours) provides learning of humanitarian and socio-economic courses (954 hours), mathematical and natural-science disciplines (2502 hours), vocational and practical subjects (5260 hours).
The list of main subjects is given in curriculum plan of EEM – 10, CS – 10 groups.
The training is based on study of modern information technologies and software systems. Basic disciplines of professional training are courses for developing databases, software programs, system analysis and designing of information system. Modern languages and software programming technologies are studied (C++, Java, C#, Python, NET, PHP, XML, SOAP, AjAX, UML, Ruby on Rails, CUDA and others), technologies of data collection and data management (cloud computing of Google and Amazon, aerocosmic monitoring), graphic multimedia means (Corel Draw, Photoshop, 3DMax, Flash), means of designing and supporting of database (MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, HBase), modern operational systems (Linux, Android, iOS), geoinformational systems (ArcGIS, Avenu, AutoCAD Map).
We teach disciplines in managing IT-projects, introduction of IT systems technologies, etc. CEM students are specialized in computer monitoring system , analysis and prediction of technological, social and economic processes. Much attention is given to the technologies of client and server interactions, informational safety systems, creation of module and block-based systems of collecting, processing and transferring information on the basis of modern controllers and modems (GSM-applications, MultiSIM, LabVIEW, CoDeSys), development of WEB-oriented systems of presenting information (HTML, CSS, PHP, Ajax, jQuery) and mobile applications (Android SDK) and etc.
PCD students are specialized in designing and creating of informational multimedia systems taking into account the current tendencies in the sphere of applied design and modern information technologies. Much attention is given to composition, design and chromatics, three- dimensional modeling and design (3D Studio Max, Google SketchUp, AutoCAD), computer animation (Adobe Premiere, Flash, Maya), designing WEB – oriented and mobile systems of presenting information (CSS, PHP, Ajax, jQueky, Android SDK).

Further education. The department “Computer systems of monitoring” has a program for training of specialists and masters for students specializing in “Computer science”. Program for training of specialists in speciality 7.05010105 “Computer ecological and economic monitoring” has the term of training 1 year long.
Program for training masters in specialty 8.05010105 “Computer ecological and economic monitoring” has the term of training 1,5 year long.
For students specializing in “Programming of media systems and computer design” the procedure of licensing specialists and masters in speciality 7.05010102, 8.05010102 “Information technologies of designing” was begun.
Graduate and postgraduate
Entrance examinations. Applicants shall pass the following exams: Ukrainian language and literature , Mathematics , Physics or foreign language (by choice).